My birth name was Elisa Santiago. Born April 8,1977. I am looking for my birth fathers family. My father died about 1983-1985 not sure what year. His name was Elisamuel Santiago, he has a brother Luis. I was born in Manhatten,NY. I found my B/M already but she doesn't knw much about the where abouts of my fathers family, she doesn't have any pics of him either. I was told Luis's last address was in Hackensack NJ. My birth parents lived with him just b4 I was born. Please if you have any information send me a message ASAP. :confused:
and congrats on finding your family!!!!!!!!!!! My birthfather also died & way before I found his side of the family (in 1984), I didn't find my b-father's family until 2004. I would write a letter to the address in Hackensack, NJ. That is how I found my b-father's brother ( my b-uncle), still resided at the same address over 20 years ago!!! You may just get lucky!!!!! Question---did your b-mom ever find the other sister of yours she was looking for?? I think she was born in Brooklyn, NY???? Good luck & best wishes on your reunion..................
My fathers name Elisamuel Santiago. His Year of birth was 1938. He died on the streets of Manhattan as far as I know. Near the port bus terminal. It could have been any where between 1982 - 1984. His last address was that my birth Mother remembers was on 43rd street between 8th and 9th avenues.
His brother was Louis and he lived in Hackensack NJ. He also had a sister Sonia, but I dont have any info on them really. Louis was my godfather.
I was Baptized at sacred heart in Manhattan, 51st street between 9th and 10th avenues.