searching for BS, He was born may 23,1975 in Phoenix ,Az, At Doctors hospital.Which is no longer there. Was adopted tru LDS Social Services. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have emailed the Confidential Immediators several times and I am not getting any answers. :(
I too have emailed CI in Arizona several times and have gotten no reply. If any one knows why....please post. I am looking for sibilings.......our birth mother passed away in 1973 and they may or may not know that.
I've been doing a search for my husband's birth parents and we do have non id with a first name but no last name so we have to check all of the legal notices. The way that we've narrowed things down is by his birth certificate and we saw that it crossed the registrar's desk 2 years after his birth so that was when his adoption was final. AZ law states that there has to be a legal notice for the petition of adoption in the newspaper. That paper would have bee n the AZ business Gazette. I don't know when it changed names from AZ weekly Gazette to AZ business Gazette but we have gotten that from Interlibrary loan with the library. Maybe that might be a way to locate the names of the adoptive parents and his last name.
i am curious about what you said regarding the az gazette. did all adoptions have to be placed in it? i am wondering if mine was. how do u go about finding archives from 1976?
Theres always a possibility. If you live in Phoenix, you can go to the public library downtown and ask if they have the gazette on microfilm for 1976. If they don't then you have to go to the geneology library. Ask the librarian where that is. I forget where it is. You would be looking for the adoption notices, of course. Look on the first page for the index and look down that for the adoption notices page. It's usually about page 29 or so. I hope this helps. We tried it but found nothing. I think the father was notified and did not need to be legally notified. So we are now using a confidential intermediary. There is a list of ones who do maricopa county if you're interested in that. Look it up on the internet. Again, on the legal notices, look for your adoptive parents last names, something like: Mr. & Mrs. xxxxx seeking adoption of baby (boy/girl) xxxxx. You'll see them all. Hope it works for you!
thank you very much for the reply. i am wondering if it is the Burton Barr Central Library located at 1221 N. Central Ave. 85004. does that sound familiar? thank you again for your reply!
yes, that would be the phoenix public library, i believe. The other one that I was talking about is located on the second floor of the capitol building. That's the archives. Check with the librarian at the burton barr. Let me know how it goes for you. I'd be happy to help if I can. Also, you may want to check with the lds library close to you. They have and it might be of some help to you. The burton barr library may have that program.
if you need a CI that will reply i can give you an email. she is GREAT. she is working on my case right now. hopefully we will be done soon, as she knows everything and we have an address and all just no phone number, so it shouldnt be much longer, then she will be avail for another case, but she was VERY quick to respond and she is extremely helpful and nice. I couldnt have picked a better CI. It was weird too, because out of all of the CI's i had a feeling about her too. and i tried contacting others also, and got no replies until a week to 2 weeks later if any at all. she is very reasonably priced too. let me know.
let me know how you make out in your search using the CI. I know you will get somewhere even if it takes a few months. she has NEVER not found someone or closed a case successfully. ( im not saying that there is always consent, but she always finds who she is searching for! and at least you get somewhere with that! I feel to be that close is so much more fulfilling than searching for years never knowing and noone knowing as well as the ppl you are searching for never knowing you are searching for them as well. even if they say no contact, at least they know you are looking and can com eback later if they have a change of heart and find you!!!! oh good luck to you!~ and please wish me the best of luck! i need it right now!! ha ha- im going crazy waiting!
searching for BS, He was born may 23,1975 in Phoenix ,Az, At Doctors hospital.Which is no longer there. Was adopted tru LDS Social Services. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have emailed the Confidential Immediators several times and I am not getting any answers. :(
if you want search help, go to [url][/url]