Hello all! Okay I'm not sure if I am in the right place, but I hope so. Here is the deal. I was not adopted through an agency, I had what was called an off the streets adoption. Basically, this means that my bio mother and adopted parents knew one another, and came to an agreement and just went to court to get the papers signed. It works the same way an open adoption does. The last we heard, my bio family lived in San Antonio, Texas. So, I am going to post all of my information here, in hopes that someone may be able to help me. Here goes.
I will give you my stats as well, in case that is of help to you.
My name is Patricia Ann Parker. I was born August 24, 1979. I'm not sure when the actual final process went through, but I was 5 or 6, I think, so it was around 84, 85. I was born in Boston Mass, at St. Margaret's hospital. At the time of my adoption, my bio parents lived on Gold Street, in South Boston, Mass. My bio mother's maiden name is Sylvia Gonzalez. Her husband's name, is Thaddeus Zawrotny, which my bio mother changed her name to while married, but I have no idea if they are still married or not. I know I have at least three brothers. I am not sure of their ages. One, James/Jimmy, who I believe was raised by my bio mother, which would make his last name also Gonzalez, is at least 11, but could be as old as 15. There is another named David, he is about 23 now, but he was adopted out so I don't know if I will ever find him. Last is Oscar, my oldest bio brother, who is much older, I would think he is at least 38 now. Oscar is the brother I want to find the most badly, he can give me the most information about the others' whereabouts. He was raised by my bio maternal grandmother, so his last name is also Gonzalez. We are almost positive that they now live in San Antonio, Texas now.
Thank you all so much for helping me out like this! Keep searching, never give up!!!
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I am the son of Sylvia Gonzalez and Thaddeus Zawrotny. Please contact me on fb David Tom or email