What are you planning to do to celebrate National Adoption Awareness Month?
Ive decided itҒs a good time to educate my community on the changes that have taken place in the adoption world. So many people hear the word adoption, and they automatically think of how it was in the fifties and sixties. Rarely do I get an educated response when I talk about adoption with my community members, so Ive decided to take the bull by the horns.
My local paper, and the paper that is published by the local university, are allowing me to do some freelance work about adoption in order to get the word out. So in honor of National Adoption Awareness Month, IҒve elected to write a piece about the changes in adoption.
Has anyone else considered becoming proactive in educating the general public about the triad? Many newspapers have editorial sections where you can write letters for publication!
Id love to make this National Adoption Awareness Month a time where we do all we can to break down the stereotypes attached to the triad!
You might consider sending an email directly to the top to find out what options are available to you.
I contacted the publisher of our local paper, and he responded in about an hour with some contacts and ideas.
Im actually working on several pieces, one for the Adoptionweek E-mag here at and a few for the local papers.
Hopefully some other members will make their voices heard҅!