If anyone has knowledge of how long it is taking in this region of Russia to get through the court process, it would be a great help. We were told almost 4 weeks ago that we would be traveling in about 2 weeks to get our boy. We have also been told that the judge only has 30 days once he gets the final paperwork to review and set a date.
We believe we have gone over both timelines now. We already have two kids, so this is putting our entire family, extended family and everyone we know personal or business on hold. I know, we all go through that, but this exact travel timing floating for literally two months now is getting crazy.
The hardest part is that our adoptive little boy's birthday is 10/17, so we wanted to be there for that. It doesn't seem possible now.
Anything anyone can do to let us know the timing would be a HUGE help!
God Bless.
We are going to Ulan-Ude next week, but for trip #1 to meet our little girl.
Anyway, we were told that the Ulan-Ude court region was sometimes slower than the others. We were told to expect a three month wait in between visits.
Hopefully you guys will have a court date soon!!!
Thanks Mike,
We spoke to our agency again today, they have no update for us. I guess the judge has 60 days to set a court date.
This is from the date full and complete documents are accepted. Our bigger concern after today is if the court will accept our documents, since they just made changes while submission was taking place. It has actually taken so long, that we may have to get new medical forms, is getting a bit crazy.
We were told to get our Visa's, did so, and now watch as they tick closer to expiration too...
I hope your trip goes well. What age child are you going to meet? There are only a couple orphanages in Ulan Ude, so you may be going to where our child is. Maybe you could tell him we love him, happy birthday and that we are trying everything to get there as soon as possible.