Hi everyone! My name is Luann and my husband Ray and I live in NE PA. We're just starting out on the adoption journey and I have a few questions I hope someone can answer for me. Can I use any agency in any state and just have my homestudy done by someone lisenced in PA? Is an agency the way to go? Is the adoption finalized in the birthmother's state or the adopting parent's state? Do all agencies basically charge the same fees? Do some do more than others? What should I look for specifically? We have decided on a domestic adoption of a caucasion newborn. I understand this will make our wait longer..but we've waited 8 years already for a child due to infertility, and waiting a bit longer won't kill us. Any information will be appreciated! Thanks!
YOu can adopt through an agency in another state, as long as your homestudy is completed in PA. My hubby and I live in PA and we are adopting through an agency in NJ. YOu have to make sure that the agency will accept the homestudy from another agency.
As far as costs, from my research the costs are all the same or very close. Make sure you look at the legal costs too. Some agencies do not do inhouse legal so you willl need to use an attorney for finalization.
I would start by attending information sessions at a few different agencies. We visited about 4 agencies and we really feel happy and comfortable with the people we are working with. We recently completed our homestudy and now we are officially waiting. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. I am not an expert, but I would be more than happy to help.