Researching these 2 agencies. Investigating domestic adoption of child under 3 or international adoption. Any thoughts, good or bad on either of these 2 agencies?
I live in VA and am looking to adopt a boy from Gualemala. I am also looking at these agencies. Would love to know any info you have found out.
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Please remember that comments about agencies or other fee based services made after 2/10/2004 MUST be made via Private Message.
[Moderator] - I'm not sure how you missed the above...but anyway....
[Edited To Remove Agency/Facilitator/fee based services Recommendations or comments]
Please remember that comments about agencies or other fee based services made after 2/10/2004 MUST be made via Private Message.
[Edited To Remove Agency/Facilitator/fee based services Recommendations or comments]
Please remember that comments about agencies or other fee based services made after 2/10/2004 MUST be made via Private Message.