My cousin has a child. Rights of the mother have been terminated and father's will be terminated in January. Me and my husband are financially stable and qualified to be parents. The catch is we do not live in the same state as the child. The social worker has insisted upon putting the 3 year old with my mother(she lives in the state and he says proximity is an issue) who is terminally ill and unable to financially care for him. I have met with the social worker and he says it is up to her to determine her health. The dr.'s do not expect her to live a year yet she is still pursuing this. Besides her health, she is not suited to be a mother. I would know as I am her daughter.
We had a meeting with the social worker a couple of months ago. I walked away from it because I didn't want to make it a "fighting over" him issue. However, now that I have calmed down. I really feel I need to do something. I feel guilty for leaving him there with her in that situation.
Who should I go to? I have tried and tried with the social worker and I am getting no where. I really don't understand it. If we were to try and adopt right now we would be approved. I am a professional nanny. I get paid well to take care of someone else's children, yet they will not let me take care of this child.
I am considering a lawyer but wondering if that will do any good since it is a goverment agency. Specifically, the Ohio Jobs and Family Services.
I don't know anything about where you are from, but in our foster parenting class there were two other families there to become approved to keep their family member's children. One of them was almost 600 miles away, but after her home was approved they were going to get the child here to Arkansas to live with it's aunt.
If I were you I would check with the foster parenting department. Maybe they will have another option for you even if it is going through the foster parenting classes, you may still have hope.
Please go over this CW's head. He has a supervisor that may not have a clue what is going on. The child should have a GAL that you could speak with also. I have seen more than one case where children were sent out of state with relatives. I would write them all a letter and let them know of the concerns that you have for this child when he is with your mom. It is their job to protect these children. If he is in immediate danger with your mom, please call the child abuse hot line.
I have had the foul misfortune of dealing with childrens services first hand. If there is only one bit of advise I can share with you, It would be.... Whenever you have any sort of conversations dealing with these people.. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.... RECORD EVERY WORD SAID !!! Check to see if the state you are living in is a "One party" or "two party" state. Which means.... If both parties involved have to be informed of the taping, or just one.! You may not think this is necessary now.... But believe me, one day you will probably wish you would have !! Good luck, for the sake of the children! Laura