I am writing a paper about reforming adoption laws, I thought it would be a good idea to ask people who have hands on experience with adoption about the laws, what are some common problems with adoption laws? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
The one big problem that I'm dealing with, legally get get any information on a birth sibling. Even though both birth parents are deceased. the only info I was given, birth name and birth date. That information gets you no where! Sharon
Id like to see the laws change to reflect equality between the birthparents.
Currently, in all fifty states, the birthfather can (and in most cases does) consent to the adoption before the birth of the child.
Currently, in all fifty states, the birthmother can only consent to the adoption after the birth of the child, and in most cases after a certain time has passed.
IҒd like to see that changeI think that birthfathers should be afforded the same consideration as the birthmother in regards to making the decision to place after the baby is born.
Additionally, IŒd like to see more of a focus on maintaining open adoptions and educating folks accordingly. Currently, open adoption is thrust into the equation without much counseling on how it worksboth adoptive parents and birthparents are left to figure things out themselves regarding the openness and agreements.
IŒd also like to see legally enforced agreements for open adoptions in all fifty statesbut IŒd settle (for right now) on laws regarding mandatory discloser of openness laws in all fifty stateseven discloser of how the law works in those states that have them.
IŒd also like to see mandatory pre-placement counseling required for both birth parenteven those that decline pre-placement counseling should be required to attend at least on session, to make sure they understand the ramifications of adoption.
IŒd like to see more protection for adoptive parents regarding the financial aspect. Agencies should provide the services they advertise at their expense, rather than passing the itemized expenses on to the hopeful adoptive family. That would not only eliminate the risk of loss, but it would also make agencies and attorneys be more diligent about weeding out the scam artist.
Since you only asked about adoption law, thats all IҒll comment onbut keep in mind, the ideas I have are based on a more extensive change, that includes extensive parenting and options counseling before adoption is ever brought into the equation. Currently, the mentality of many adoption professionals is that if a woman is inquiring about adoption, she has already considered her other options and ruled them outŅId like to see more of a focus on parenting, so that those who really want to parent have that option.
It's pretty bad when agencies say, identifying information can't be disclosed to protect the first mom, when in fact, in so many cases, like mine, I'm not allowed to even know the state of adoption or if my child was adopted by a good family or if she is even alive. I know I never ask for my information to be protected. There should be a way for every person to know the other is OK, healthy and alive or passed away, instead of being told it is none of our business. People that have been and will be adopted, should not have to pay for information, that is about their own beginnings, it is their information and they did not ask to be adopted and their health and other information to be hidden away, it should be available to them, at no charge.
What happens when the one you adopt actually becomes a libility and a Danger to other family members, My adopted son has attacked my wife, attacked his biological sisters9that we also adopted), been refused entry into several major school systems, because of his severe behaviour and,, now we are to blame!!! and we are being charged with several charges, because the different state agencis cant get him placed, so of course the state HAS to have someone to blame, so why cant adoptions be reversed? WE live in Georgia, and need help, this situation is unspeakable,,, nevermind the court room, dfacs owns that also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he is 15 years old by the way, can anyone please help
When you choose to adopt any child, it is for better or worse!You don't return a child because u don't like the way they are acting.There not a dog that won't quite chewing up everything in the house!Being a parent is more than putting a roof over there head!Being a parent is "Always being there for your child, no matter what!" Maybe you should stop thinking about how to get rid of him & start acting like a "real parent" & try to figure out the reason he is acting like this & help your son! Your to worried about who's going to blame u because u are being charged!I don't agree with the law that parents should be charged for there childrens actions, no one can be with there children 24/7!Don't focus on adoption gone bad, because it happens on birth children also, focus on "how can I be the best dad that I can be"