My husband & I have a 4 year old (bio) son & are thinking of fostering (6week-3years). We haven't even contacted DSS and I am already letting details boggle me! Any advice on fostering with a child that age?
ALSO, our feelings going into this are... We will foster a baby that age - with the "expactation" that the child will be reunited. BUT if the circumstances change, and the child IS available for adoption, then we know we have the option if we desire to adopt the child. Are we "expected" to adopt a child if they become avaliable? I guess I am looking for those who have experienced fostering (and adoption) to find out what is the most ideal mind set to have going into the situation? I just want to be sure we are all "mentally" ready for this, as well as physicaly & emotionally. Thanks everyone for your advice & wisdom!! Mon.
i am a sw and we often expect the fp's to want to adopt the children they foster if they fit well intot their family. however if you do not want to adopt them that's ok and that measn that a foster placement will remain open and not fillup with adopted children and eventually stop being a foster parent. so whatever way you decide to go is fine.