Birthmothers - Sign Up!
As Nevada Open prepares to come before the Nevada State Legislature in the 2005 Session, we need our birthmothers to sign the petition at:
Mothers for Open Records Everywhere - MORE
"We, mothers separated from our children by adoption, hereby state publicly and unequivocally that we fully support open records for adult adoptees. We further state publicly and unequivocally that we were NEVER promised privacy or confidentiality, either verbally or in writing, at any time prior to, during, or after the surrender of our children to adoption."
Add your name to the thousands across the US, then make sure to come to the Nevada Open web site and join the state movement.
We need your strength and your voice to speak plainly of your truth. Help Nevada born adoptee re-gain access to the original birth certificate.
See you online!
Warmest Regards,