I know that this is an adoption site, but I'm hoping someone will be able to help me.I do not wish to get into my personal life with a bunch of strangers, but I am 21 and I wish to disown my parents or divorce them. Whatever the correct terminology is.I do not simply wish to "run away" or whatever. I want to be unattached from them legally.If anyone can give me any kind of information as to how I can do this - obviously family court and lawyers will be involved - and tell me what the first step is, I'd appreciate it.
Since you are a legal adult, there isn't much that your parents have any control over. They are your next of kin and would be notified in the event of your death or severe injury, they would be the decision makers for your life and money if you were completely incapacitated (like in a coma), they would probably be the ones to inherit your estate if you died without a will and without a child or husband, and they have the right to contest your will if they don't like it (they may or may not win).
Beyond that, there isn't much they can influence.
If you wish all of those rights and responsibilities to belong to someone else, then check into whether where you live permits the adoption of an adult or not. Then you may be able to find another adult (or pair of adults) willing to adopt you and assume those rights and responsibilities in place of your parents.
But I do not know of any way you can simply sever their legal tie to you. Adult adoption may be your best bet. It would give you a new birth certificate, a new next of kin, and a new set of people with those rights and responsibilities.
You can take out those items they have influence over, one at a time, though. You can make a will so that they would not immediately inherit anything. You can make sure a lawyer is certain the will could not be overturned even if your parents contested. You can make a living will so they would not get control over anything if you were incapacitated. You can carry someone else's contact information around with you, who knows the story, so that he/she would be contacted first and would know not to contact your parents. And so on.
And of course if they live nearby or are harassing you through mail or telephone, you can move or change telelphone numbers. Sometimes physical and mental distance accomplish more than legal distance.
Sorry I don't have better information from you, but becoming an adult severs the GREAT majority of legal control you parents have over you, and I don't know any way to sever the rest other than by adoption or separate legal documents affecting each of those other areas. Good luck to you.
Thank you for the information.Of course before I follow through with disowning them or whatever action I might take instead, I'll have to find somewhere else to live. I guess it's not so much the legal issues as it is the current living issues that are the problem, but like I said before, I don't simply want to move away and never speak to them; I no longer want to be their daughter in any sense of the word. Of course moving out and what not are a must and make sense - my dad's favorite come back is "As long as you live under this roof...." They also have more legal hold over me than one might think because I'm still in college and so that means I'm still their dependant. I won't be 100% legally free of them until I'm 23. While that doesn't seem like it's so far away, I just can't wait any longer because while you and other people may view me as an adult, to them I'm still 5 and unable to think or act in any manner that's appropriate or to experience anything on my own. I've told them countless times how I feel and I've given them the physical and mental distance you spoke of. They still haven't gotten it, so maybe my disowning them will get it through to them.At least then I'll be able to finally be an adult and live my life for myself.