Works of art by portrait artists, that's what the Heart Galleries are, and if you haven't seen one, find out where the nearest is located and go take a look. The works of art are children... children of all ages who are in foster care and looking for adoptive families - and the portrait artists are volunteer photographers - amateurs and professionals - whose work captures each child's beauty and individuality.
The concept of the Heart Gallery was born in New Mexico in 2001, as an initiative designed to attract potential adoptive families, and they have grown in popularity across the country. This year, Adoption Month was the occasion for the launch of a National Heart Gallery including portraits of children from around the country. The National Heart Gallery is now on exhibit at Union Station in Washington, DC., and the Russell Senate Office Building Rotunda.
Heart Gallery photos have had remarkable success. The Washington Post reports that in Connecticut, of the 40 children showcased in the Heart Gallery, families have been found for 19 of the children, and in New Mexico where it all began and where the followup rate of interested families was previously 5%, a remarkable 50 percent of those who expressed interest based on the Heart Gallery *did* follow up, took the required classes, had their homestudies completed, and adopted a child.
Last update on April 27, 1:59 pm by Miriam Gwilliam.