Did you know that if you were given up in Flordia that the state will give you the name of the foster home that you lived in ? They told me that my foster parents were Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and I was wondeing if there is a way to locate them. I know that my b-mother was also in "foster care" and wonder if she was in the same home.
when my husband received his non-id (he was born in St. Petersburg ,Florida in 1958)a few months ago it stated he had been housed in what they termed a "boarding house" called Spangler's Boarding House. I wonder if it was called such because Spangler was the Foster Parent's last name...hmmn anyway just thought i would mention it....
Who did you contact for this information? I was in two foster homes that I can remember, the last was "The Greens" they were an elderly couple who moved from a house to a trailer in the country, they had a daughter named Vivian who lived in trailer next to them with her husband and I remember a little boy named Jeremy(another foster child). We have a picture of him with us (me and my little sister). The first foster family I was too young to remember their name but they treated me like I was their own child. They had a daughter of their own, they drove a white volkswagon van, their house was on stilts, and they took me to the strawberry festival before I was taken somewhere else...
I was Adopted in from FLA in 1961 and ill tell you there were allot of catholic Organizations that were handling these adoptions. Maybe Spangler house was a organization. You could search corporate or Non profit LLC licenses also search new papers of that time. I found the legal firm that handled my adoption from a add in Miami News paper.