Hi all,
Does anyone have information on the tax process? We were given a tax payer identification form for pending adoption but no other information.
Can we claim our son on our taxes for the 2004 tax year? I know we can't take the tax credit until the year the adoption in finalized 2005.
Any input would be appreciated.
I believe that if a child is in your care for more then 6 months then you are able to use that child as a deduction. That would be my conclusion as to why you were given the Tax ID number. But you are correct that you cannot claim the Tax Credit until the year the adoption is final.
I had some great help last year when I spoke directly to the IRS and they were able to walk me though the in's and outs..... Good luck
I didn't think there was a minimum amount of time. My cousin gave birth in December and was thrilled because they could count the baby as a dependent thus having a significant impact on their taxes. They had him for days, not months out of the year. (However, I am not a lawyer or an accountant and either is my cousin!!!) I thought the tax credit could be used in whole or part the year your adoption is finalized and if not used in full, for the two years following. I don't think I have actually been of much help, sorry! :confused:
from what I was told back in 2001, you can claim the baby even if he/she is in the home starting 12/31. As far as the adoption tax credit, consult a professional.
I am still trying to figure out how to do the failed adoption one this year. I don't think I can do it electronically.
Okay I have some more information on this....prior to the finalization of the adoption one must apply for a temporary tax id number....there is an actual "Pending Adoption" tax ID form. We submitted it via mail two weeks ago...we will see how long it takes for this to be processed.
Thanks for the feedback all,
we have also applied for the adoption tax id.. we actually have a finalized adoption (placed in July final in Nov).. bit you cannot claim the child as a dependant OR the adoption tax credit unless you have a social security #or ATIN (adoption tax id #)..
We have been unable to get a SS# sicne we do not have the new birthcertificate.. so hopefully we will get the ATIN soon...
Aroyna.. you can claim him as a dependant so as soon as you get that ATIN you should be good..
Sean@Shan.. when you have a child in your home (even for 1 day) and they are legally yours you can claim them as a dependant.. but still must have the # (SSN or ATIN).. but you have to wait until finalization to claim tha adoption tax credit..
I have actually done our taxes already.. just waiting on the ATIN to show up... :o)
I know we have to paper file to do the failed adoption tax credit but when can we claim it? It was a domestic adoption. Failed in Noveber 2004.
mlbsands---On the Social Security website they have a complete outline of the process to get a new SS# I printed out the actual two pages I found on the internet and the clerk at the SS office read what I printed--and asked to keep a copy--because issueing new numbers is rare and most clerks never have to do it.... You can get the new number if you have the adoption decree and if the decree also includes the place and date of the childs birth. You don't have to wait for the birth certificate. I suppose at the same time if the child has never had a SS# then maybe you do have to wait--but that would be unusal since most kids have to have one by age two....
You can claim your expenses from a failed adoption there are certain froms you need to complete but you can claim them.
Happy mom....
thanks.. actually I have been to 4 social security offices and spent many hours with them and on the phone with SS officers.. they WILL NOT give us a number until we have the birth certificate.. we have all that the website says and then some.. but it is a no - go.. they say that things have gotten tighter since 9/11.. but after many hours of fighting with the ss office we have decided just to wait it out.. I did finally run into a very nice lady at my local ss office and she really tried to help me out and after being there for 2 hours and getting the regional supervisor on the line they would NOT issue one without the birth certificate...
in the end.. even though we have all the adoption paperwork (original copies) and original birth records they would not do it.., part of it had to do with the fact that much of the birth records said "baby boy ....." and that the adoption paperwork never said "baby boy...."..
the thing is.. he was given his name at birth by US.. even with the adoption he has the same exact name..
anyway... I know the other have been successful.. but I would also be aware that this might be a problem for others as well... :o)
for now we are waitinbg for an ATIN and will re-apply for the ss # when we have the birth certificate..
(as an FYI.. this was to be an original SS# as they did not want the bio mom applying for the ss# since she was placing - this is what the social worker in the hopital suggested that way they would not have his ss#.. int he end I think that caused me more issues... :o)