I'm Emily & I am expecting our baby (0 - 12 month old) to arrive between July and October. I rented a hospital grade pump last week & started pumping ever 2 - 3 hours.
I know that some feel that it is better to just wait until the baby is here & can just suckle to produce milk, but I really want to try to induce lactation before then (if possible). I know that I may never produce any milk. I am just trying to give it my best shot!
Anyway, my breasts have been SO FULL and SO SORE. I was wondering if this is a good sign. Could this mean that my body is gearing up to produce milk?
Also - has anyone done this type of routine - pumping every 2 - 3 hours - with good results?
Thanks in Advance!!
Hello Emily, I have been reading up on breatfeeding an adopted child also. Everything you are doing now is what I have been reading. Whatever you do pump before the baby gets here can be frozen for later use. Here is a website I found for you, I hope it helps. [url][/url]. If it doesn't, go to and put in the search box breastfeeding your adotpted child. There are herbs and pills that can help too. (Domperidone, fenugreek and blessed thistle) I heard lots of oatmeal helps. I wish you lots of luck!!!