I actually found my biological parents with my non identifying information. It gives more information that I thought. I have not actually talked to them but the married each other and I am just waiting for them to respond to my e-mails. If you are really wanting to find them I would be willing to give you and help and advise if you are interested. I am a former police officer and detective. I was actually able to locate them within about 2 months after recieving the non identifying informaiton. Let me know if you would like help.
How do I get non-identifying information? The birth cert. I have has my parents names on it and not my biological parents names. I have always been told i was born in St. Louis, and the lawyer who did the adoption for my parents is now a judge. Can I go to the local courthouse where i live now and request and original birth cert. or will it be the same as the one i already have?
Well, Missouri is a very difficult state to get information out of. If you contact a judge they will tell you that you must either have your adoptive parents signature or a death certificate. After that they will contact your biological parents and ask them if they want to be contacted. It is then up to your biological parents. If your lucky your adoptive parents are receptive to the idea of you finding your biological parents. (Mine are very against it and would not sign).
If you have to get your non-identifying information you must contact the Family court in the county that you were born. The non-identifying information may reveal more information than you think. With my information I was able to actually locate my biological parents. The non-identifying information will tell you past history on your biological family, what clubs they were in in high school, and lots of other stuff. That is of course if the information was available. If your information has any uniqe information it will be easier to search. The only thing that they white out on the information is the names of people and places. I believe that it costs $50. Well worth the cost.
Your birth certificate will contain your adoptive parents names. That will not help you. Does your birth certificate say St. Louis?. If you have any questions or need anything else let me know.
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