OK - I'm giving this one last try - I'm so tired that maybe I should give up beacuse parents just dont' seem to respond but if you have a heart, plese know I'm on your side.
I dedicded to adopt but am just finishing up my MSW working with children eesp. birth to five. I thought I'd better do some research to find out more - and what I found was horrendous.
Two years later, I have empirical data from the best researchers in the world about IA and especially how to help acclimate the IA child coming from institutionalization. I used to work on Capitol Hill so I delved into insurance, INS, issues and intl. politics. I spoken with hundred of agency bureaucrats, legislators pediatricians, OTs, LSWS, neurologists in an attempt to find a solid basis for finding reputable care for children.
So, now I want to build a resources but consumer focused list to distribute freely to any parents. My first step is to focus on Caliornia and then move outward to other states.
-wouldn't you like training so that you know how to reduce rages, increase bonding and why your child might be melting down if you take them into Toys R Us or even a birthday party?
- How about low cost or free respite and parent support groups?
- Howabout getting to know your community and finding IA specialists who can bethere for you over the years?
Want answers as to why children pick up English easily but do so poorly at absorbing the language in school?
- ever wonder why your child can't stand touch or flinches at lights, noise and other sensory stimulaion?
- need help with residential placement and treatment that understands these kids
- want advice on who provides sliding scalefees, takes insurance, medical or who will work with you?
- Need an advocate to take along to parent techer meetings about your IEP or IFSP?
- If a Doctor who is not a developmental pediatrician diagnoses your child with RAD or autism, can you trust that? Do you know that many of these features disappear over time - but not if you put your child into a disability or special ed program where they're not given a chance to bloom with their peers? Yes, RAD is very difficult but 9 times out of 10, that child has been traumatized and therapy that focuses on giving him a voice, working through his emotions with a focus on neurological issues is much more productive. And it works without holding therapy.
We can direct you to the best medical, the highest trained therapists, the developmental and medical clinics - all of whom can help.
The directory - which will be a more indepth consumer guide requires nothing from you - totally anonymous and confidential. Al I need to know from you is that you are out there. I have an opportunity to use 4 grad students like me who will fan out and evaluate all services from agencies to providers. But we can't start until we have arough idea of raw numbers of families in CA. THat's all I need. No names, no addresses, just tell me how many families you know who've adopted IA in So. CAl or N. CAL over the years.
THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH EMPIRICAL PROJECT - it's a class community project. These Providers are NOT culling for clients. They are there for you to freely choose. PLEASE help by responding right away. My professor won't let me proceed because he doesn't beieve there are any problems in IA for parents or children. I feel like kicking him in the shins!
THanks for letting me vent!
MSW intern
references available