Hi! Its good to see Im not the only birthmom here.
I had my bdaughter 19 years ago, thought it was an open adoption (promised pictures, etc.) That never happened. It was a closed adoption (without my knowledge). (slap) You really dont have a clue when your scared and 16.
Anyway, now Im 35, with edometriosis, which I thought was the reason why we were not getting pregnant after 18 months of trying. So we tested my husband , to find out he has 0 sperm count.
I have been working in a hospital (newborn nursery) now for 2 years. I feel so blessed at times to be able to feed and hold the newborns, and sometimes I feel like Im living a big fat joke. I asked my husband about adoption last night, he wants to wait a year (we want to move next year)
Now my best friend of 20 years just found out on valentines day shes pregnant! Im soo happy for her. But Im jealous too!! I guess the best thing is to pray hard for comfort.
Hope for any suggestions. thanks!!! :(
I'm not a birthmom, so I can't completely relate to what you are going through. I do know what it is like to have endometriosis and not be able to conceive. I just wanted to give you a hug and welcome you to the hopeful adoptive parent side of adoption.
I wish you well on your journey....
I'm sorry the adoptive parents did not follow through with their promise to share pictures. As an adoptive mom I am so thankful that I have a beautiful little girl to love and appreciative of her birth mother for giving her life. In our situation, we have absolutely no information regarding her birthfamily--our daughter was placed under the Safe Place for Newborns Law--no name, no medical information. However, every year on her birthday I write a letter to her birthmother describing the past year and how much we love and adore our daughter. I hope that one day my daughter will be able to share them with her birthmother.
Thanks for your reply. I wish my daughter was placed with someone like you. In the beginning, I thought she was. I used to talk to the adoptive mom on the phone in the doctors office. (She was a friend of some one there) Many promises were made. None towards me kept. I hope she doenst go back on her word were my daughter is concered. I hope and pray every night shes ok.
I think it terrible, you cant have a medical history on your childs family!! How can that be??? What if she gets really sick?? There a lot I guess I still need to learn.
Thanks again!!!