Hi my husband and I are about to complete our Home Study are there anymore african-american couples or singles in the VA area trying to adopt AA/biracial infant if so we would liek to here from you and if you are a couple who have already adopted we would liek to hear about your experience and how long you waited we are getting very anxious I am hoping for a May baby we selected no preference (although you know my husband would love a son!!!) I would love a daughter but we know either one is a gift to us both everyone tells us we are going to get twins (we know this is a miliion to one chance LOL LOL but we are just anxiuosly waiting for Baby!!!!!! This will be my first and my husbands third he is as anxiuos as if it was his first sometimes I think he gets less sleep than I do we catch each other in the nursery just looking around (yes nursery is completed with Pooh everywhere!!!
We have just started the adoption process and are in VA. We originally were going to go internationally but those doors were closed due to medical and employment issues. We are now looking into adopting an infant domestically. We are not going to have any requirements as to race so I am thinking we will probably be picked for an AA or Biracial infant. I am doing research, and a lot of reading on transracial adoption. We really cannot move forward and really start the home study until July as we will not be married 2 years until then. ;) Where in VA are you located? We are in NOVA. Sharon
I am on the starting line of my journey. The agency cashed the check on the 7th and everyday I rush home to check the machine for a message from the SW--and I am not a particulary patient person :) (My mom and sis are telling me I need to get over that--in a hurry LOL). When I completed the application I indicated a newborn with at least one AA parent. My BIL is not AA so my famiy is comfortable with children of mixed heritage. I left the "gender" issue as open; I figure if the "coin flip" is good enough for God, who am I to question?! :rolleyes:
This week I told my closest "work friends" that I submitted paperwork and they started making lists for the shower and the nursery. I was so overwhelmed I didn't know what to do.
I am also in NOVA and I am open to PMs to exchange more specific info.