To all those who are still following our road to a forever family, I have an update.
We received a notice from the family court that another satus hearing is scheduled for April 22.
Our attroney has yet to call us about what happen on Friday, Feb 25, the last status hearing. We will keep you updated.
Choose your Michigan adoption agency very carefully. Everything was going fine, until we complained about the agency. I wish we could just fire this agency and start all over again. I don't understand why we cannot do just that. It is clear that our children are thriving and our home is a healthy, orderly, lovng place--the agency even wrote that in the last report to the court in January, but the social worker (also the agency director) is saying she is not sure that we are adjusting properly. What does she mean by that?!?!
My dh and I are so exasperated. we even turned in over 22 letters of support from doctors, co-workers, friends, family, social workers, child care workers, therapists, teachers, and administrators from our daughter's school. How many people have to tell her that we are fit to parent and have adjusted fine?
We are now wondering if our attorney is not assertive enough for this case.
We plan on connunicating wtih the State Attorney General of the great state of Michigan once this adoption is finalized. Our attorney seems to think that may be why she is dragging this whole thing out. He thinks she is trying to financially bleed us dry so we don't have the money or energy to sue her in the future.
Thanks for following our case.
May I ask that you pm me and let me know whom you are going though??? I am having issues with my agency as well!!!
Looking forward to hearing from you!!
First, <<<<Hugs>>>> and {{{{good vibes}}}} to the both of you!
If you would, Id love to hear who you are both working with, as I am working through an agency here in Michigan as well...
Thanks in advance for the information.