Hi everyone,
I wanted to get an update on how everyone is doing? Are best wishes are with you all.
Malcolm just turned 4 monthes --- and we finally got him a stoller. He attended his first Comedy Sportz show this weekend. He slept through it :)
Still in the homestudy process. Got everything done except collecting letters from references and our own medical forms. Expect to complete all documentation in the next 2 weeks.
SW says she could be finished with HS 3 weeks after we give her the paperwork although I'm not going to count on it going that fast.
After that we'll be deciding on an agency and entering the search for our little one...
once the sw has paperwork --- it really goes by pretty fast....our sw got all our paperwork end of august and she had our last interveiws, and our reference interveiw done over the labor day weekend....then we got her report and had to read through it and address anything that was miscontrued in timeline...etc so if the sw is on top of it...youll be done with everything weeks before you get those blasted fbi fingerprints back lol....
you havent chosen a placement agency yet? if you are doing local ---- make sure your heart is prepared for the 30 day waiting period. hang in there.
Hi again.. well we actually became foster parents a few years ago (we were originally going to adopt thru foster care).. The process is ok, but the traings takes a few months (just a few hours a week) and then all the smae paperwork that has to be done to get an adoption homestudy..
Our foster daughter left in Nov, so we were taking some time off.. since then we had been asked to consider this little boy since he really needed a 2 parent household with a "father" figure. He is very nice and a bit quite. So.. we met him a few times and decided that we would move forward. :o)
He moved in yesterday morning and is already bored... :o)
So.. that means we now have 1 son (8 mos), 1 foster son (12 years) and 2 dogs and a cat... :o)