Is it true that if parents rights are termintated that the other siblings have no right to contact the child either?Here is the case.I married a guy in 1989.We have a daughter that is 14.We weren't even together anymore when she was born.He is a very bad father.He had two other girls 2 years after my daughter that is 14 withj another woman.They got those girls taken from them 7years ago.And there rights were severed.Up till then I was the kids babysitter cause it was the only way these sisters could see each other.I would nt let my daughter see hetr father at his house so she seen him when he brought her sisters for me to sit for.
These girls are in foster care now and the foster care mom told my daughter never to call the girls again without getting a lawer first.#1 my daughter is 14 and cant get lawer.#2 We are glad these girls are in foster care we turnen in the abuse ourselves.
Does my daughter have any rights?Do We need to get a lawer so she can see these girls? Please help