I have been through everything I can think of and cannot because of legislation get my fathers adoption papers (he is deceased) So I called the registar of adoption to ask a question. here is the question How do I know I won't marry my cousin or my daughter won't marry my cousins kids There are no blood test to see if you are related there is no investigating. There answer is I don't know let me put you through to someone else. So how do you know and what protection is out there for the adopteeor their family?? does anyone have an answer????
I dont know the situation in Canada but as our legal systems are similiar I presume that what happens in UK happens there. If you are an adoptee who applies to marry the Registar will check that you are not in fact marrying a sibling,parent etc. As it is not illegal to marry your cousin & only in cases of inherited Genetic Disease can I see any reason not to then in theory yes you can marry your cousin whether adopted or not.
This info is off course only what is registered & as so many people are in fact not the biological children of whom they are purported to be( IVF AID affairs etc.) I suspect that there are several people out there closer to their spouses in a genetic way than they think!!!!
I think that the real poser is why should officials have info about us/our children/parents etc that we dont? I am so sick of all the secrets & lies- Family History shows it going on for generations.
Sorry for the rant.