Going to My Journal from the control panel requires me to log in and then tells me page not found after I do.
Ragnarok, I'm having the same problem, I wanted to add to my journal today but was requested to login but instead of being able to add to my journal a different page was coming up.
Jen, I'm after a bit of advise as well.
Philippa :)
Sorry guys -- I didnt mean to imply I witholding advice. I simply dont have a clue. Some of the tweaking that is going on is creating more problems.
Please give me more details. I'm sure the tweaking isn't done borking things so keep me updated with what is wrong.
Usually it's best to give any particular issue a half hour to give the tech guys a chance to smack their foreheads and fix it ;)
What page *does* it take you after logging in?
This isn't a journal issue, but it is technical. Hope it's ok to post. I've been having trouble with the site all evening,super slow to load (I have wireless) and I have to use my browser's back button to get to new posts, I seem to be missing the upper portion of the pane below the browser header. Oh, yes I've tried to go into a new thread and am told that there is a problem with the server.
One more thing, yesterday all of a sudden the site tab is Family Forums? Is it me or has it always been like that?
Sarah, clicking on My Journal from the menu at the top of the User CP (where I am already logged in) takes me to a page
which basically has a login window. I login there, and it takes me to the login page from there I am kind of stumped on what to do next.
The Go To My Journal link at the bottom of the left hand side menu of the CP takes me to the go to journal login page...
Last update on May 3, 2:53 pm by Miriam Gwilliam.
WOW its a real word!!!
Thanks for the education. I live a rather sheltered life here in Northern Canada. But you learn something every day!
I'm still having the same problem that when I click on 'My Journal' a page comes up stating I'm not logged in so I login again then a page comes up stating the page I want cannot be found and do I want one of the following pages which doesn't include the jounals page :( . HELP!!!!!
Philippa :)