We are in Centre County. We have had a foster daughter since she was 2 months old and is about to turn 2. The parents rights were terminated in November 2013. We were told by CYS that there would be one more goodbye visit and that we could start calling the child the name we wanted to change it to. But a week later the mother appealed and we were told that visits would continue monthly until the appeal was resolved. They feel it would be too traumatic for the child if the decision was overturned and she had to go back. But in the meantime we have to deal with these monthly visits that the child dreads and that the parent is usually late for or does not show up. My question is if it is normal to continue visits during the appeals process and if there is any way to put a stop to them. I don't know about other counties but this county seems to do everything in favor of the parents rather than the kids. Thanks