We are adopting 2 children from Rep. of Panama, b/t the ages of 3 and 6, probably siblings. We have 2 bio children, 1 and 7. Could you tell me which books are the best for attachment, and post instutionalized chidlren? Also, do you have any information about Red Cross orphanges in Central America? Any other information you could me would be appreciated!!!
thank you
First I would read Attaching in Adoption, by Deborah is excellent! A Child's Journey Through Placement and Toddler Adoption; the Weaver's Craft are also good. Some of it is scary, but it is good to know about the worst-case scenarios. Many people swear by Love and Logic. I have the version for kids under 6, and love it.
Good luck to you!
P.S You may want to read some of the posts about adopting a child older than your youngest bio child. It is usually not recommended. Our SW would not place a child less than one year younger than ours.
Yes, Attaching in Adoption is a good book. I'd also suggest the following:
Becoming a Family by Lark Eshleman
If you have any indications that there has been prenatal exposure to alcohol or that there are any neurological complications, read, Hope for the Hopless Child by Ronald Federici.