[font=Comic Sans MS]Greetings,[/font][font=Comic Sans MS]I am new to this board and I am looking for any information or suggestions on neighborhoods/ communities in the Atlanta area that would be open to our mixed race family. We have six children, four are AA and two are caucasion. All of our children are very young, ages 10, 4, 3 y/o twins, 1 y/o twins. We would love to live in a neighborhood that has other families like ours. If there is anyone in the Atlanta area that could give us some tips on where to buy a home or where NOT to buy a home we would love to hear from you :o) Thanks kellie[/font]
I am living just outside of Atlanta (Grayson, which is still metro Atl) The thing about the Atl in regards to race is we have the two extremes here. Since this is a very multi cultural and nationality city their are so many non racial people. BUT!!! we still live in the south and therefore we still have the good old boy syndrome (not to say racism is only onesided) I just think as far as area in Atlanta is concerned anywhere in metro atlanta you should be able to find a good neighborhood. My biggest concern would be living in too much of a country area or living in the heart of the city. Also if this is your first time in Atlanta you will find what all of us know.... The most important decision you have to make about buying a house is your commute. It is not unheard of to drive 2 hours each way. Where will your jobs be? Please feel free to pm me if you want more detailed advice. When my dh and I moved here we were entirely unprepared for big city living and if it weren't for our friends we would have made some HUGE mistakes on our location.
I know I wasn't much help, I hope you pm me some more info and I could help you learn more on the areas.
Hi,Thanks for the email. We are pretty open to any area because my husband is home based (some travel here & there). I have the gift of being able to be a stay at home momma so no commute for me. We have to be close to a good hospital, preferably a childrens hospital as one of our younger twins (Seth) is on a ventilator. So we probably will not be out in the "boonies". I have been looking into the 911 systems in some of the cities. We would need a quick response so that is also really important. Then there is the school system issue (we need a great one). If you have any further info that you think would help please let me know!! Good luck with your adoption I will keep you in my prayers.
What Elaine said is very true... Atlanta has so much cultural diversity, it's quite the melting pot. DH and I will be adopting and are open to all children and one day I was thinking maybe we need to be in a more diverse neighborhood -- we're in the burbs! But then I thought about our subdivision and specifically, our street (ok, it's a long street so I just considered our "end" of the street, about 12 houses. We have so many different kinds of families here: one phillipino/caucasian, one caucasian/korean with the korean speaking mother-in-law (she sings to the grandchild in korean while pushing the baby in the stroller -- so cool!). Then we have a hispanic family, two aa families, 2 other asian families, a british/american family, one aa/caucasian family with one child, one family with foster kids just moved but it had all flavors! I think the caucasian/caucasian families are actually the minority here!!! I know i've rambled on, sorry. But it's a great street :)
Definitely seek out the medical needs - there are a few good children's hospitals in Atlanta. I don't really have any advise on schools yet since we're DINKs (yet).
Atlanta seems to be a very OPEN society and many things are accepted here and with ANY city you will still have non-supporters who are more conservative. You'd think being smack in the middle of the middle of teh bible belt that more people would be more "love thy neighbor, no matter what"!
Best of luck in your search. If you have any specific questions, I'll try to answer.
Ok this thread is kinda old so you may have made up your mind. My husband use to live outside Atl in near Douglsville and had a son with special needs. While not vent dependent he was very medically fragile, he passed away at the age of six. But was only suppose to make it to one year. His doctors in their town of Villa Rica was Dr. Virgina Price,,, small town doctor but amazing. In Atl he used Children's Hospital near Emory Un. and there is another location on the North Side. There is also Shepard's in Atlanta. They are a rehabilition center, my husband has a spinal cord injury ...if nothing else they can give you some good informaiton. I hope you enjoy your new home.