In an effort to make the forums run faster and more smoothly, we will be re-arranging and consolidating MANY forums to reduce the overall number of forums.
No threads will be removed from the site or deleted in this process. Threads will be migrated from one forum into another, basically giving the threads a new home and lots more "neighbors."
If you are subscribed to a specific forum and that forum is one that is deleted, you will be re-subscribed to the new, combined forum. Any subscriptions to specific threads will remain intact regardless of where that thread ends up. Any bookmarks to removed forums will be redirected to the new home of those threads. So if there is a place where your favorite threads end up, you will still be directed to that place.
The forums effected will be the ones that are seldom used or are very similar to other topics. The very popular forums will not likely see any changes.
Unfortunately, due to the enormity of the changes I am unable to provide a list of what will go where.
Thank you for your patience as we work towards making the forums a better place for you.
As a relatively new member to the forums, I'd just like to say that this is a great idea. Things seem really fragmented from my perspective and it's often unclear where I should post a particular question. As a result, I end up cross-posting it to a number of forums, hoping that someone in one of those forums will "bite". ;)
Bumping this! :)
I will be starting this tomorrow - MONDAY - and will be happy to answer any questions :)