I know that things vary by state so I'm hoping someone will be able to give some input. When we completed our classes I was under the impression that all foster parents (relative, non-relative & kinship) had the same basic requirements (bedrooms, safety, financial etc). I've tried to search through my handbook and I don't see anything pertaining specifically to each "classification". When my last FD was moved her kinship FP was not required to even have a bedroom for her.
I've been thinking about it more and more lately and it's beginning to bug me. Does anyone know what is required for a kinship/relative FP?
not much!
i am in missouri also and basically, they have to have a "safe" home with electricity and a place for the child to sleep (not necisarrily a bedroom). one of my foster children went to an aunt and uncle that had (and still have almost 2 years later) construction going on all over the place. once in the winter i brought some christmas gifts over and they had gasline space heaters all over the place, with a 2 year old just walking and playing among them!
they usually attempt a criminal and child abuse check on the people and that is about it....go visit to see if they are on drugs really bad...
I know of one 11 year old kid who was placed with 21 year old aunt who was living with a boy friend and her baby in one room apartment
another 4 year old sent to live with a great-great grandma like 92 years old in a run down trailer in a bad part of town to sleep on the living room couch...
they did have a program here to give b-parents beds for their kids when they returned as I guess a lot of the kids don't have beds in their homes