Now that I've been reconnected with my maternal birthfamily, I'm beginning my search for my birthfather. He supposedly knows that I was born but didn't have anything to do with me or my b-mother. I'm searching for him for medical history. All I know is that he was born in january 1955. He lived in Alabama during 74 and moved to Florida in '75. Any information about what I should do next is appreciated. The State says I'm on my own looking for him.
After doing some searching on my own, I'm thinking the birthday may be wrong.
I'm looking for Barry Vick who lived in Alabama in 1974, was into drag racing and possibly moved to Florida. Some family was still in Alabama when he moved. May have been 19 years old in 1974 but records aren't matching.
I need medical information. Contact would be nice but not necessary just as long as I get medical information.
Still looking for you Barry Vick.
He's either dead or he was much older than my birth mom remembers (she lied a lot during that time so she most likely lied about his age). I have googled his name and this post shows up. Wow!! Hopefully one day he'll google his name. I have a list of names but not one matches the birthday on my file and no one shows up on the death records. Maybe I just don't know how to search. Heck, I can't even find my birthmom on the internet searches or phone sites and I know she's alive. So if you are Barry Vick and you have googled yourself, please contact me. I just want medical information and would like to see what you look like just to answer all the thoughts that go through my mind. I have three beautiful children (2 boys and 1 girl). I'd also like to hear your side of the story. I hold no judgement on you because I don't know what really happened. Please contact me at mom2silas @
Again all the info that I have is he lived in Alabama in 1974. Bmom's name is Arlene.
Hope to hear from you soon.