I was born by c-section at doctors hospital (now St. Vincent's) in Little Rock Arkansas on September 22, 1981. I would like contact with any family members, if you can help me, or give any info on unsealing records, it would be appreciated.
I have received non-id information, and I know a few things that are fairly specific, but no names, obviously. I know my bmom was 16, had blond hair, was around 5'3", and wore glasses. Also she liked her German class and may have run track. When I was born there was a mishap with the epidural which anesthetised the upper portion of her body instead of the lower half. She had brothers and sisters. One sister was allergic to bananas. Her mother was a homemaker, and I can't remeber what her father did. My caseworker's name was Marie Jackson, and she was from the Garland County DHS office. I can't find the copy of my birth certificate. I'm not real sure where my adoption was finalized. As far as I know, she was not in a home for unwed mothers. My adoption was through the state, and not a home. I also think I read that she was Baptist. I feel like this is massively long, but I think she probably lived in Little Rock or Jacksonville, because not many high schools teach German. It would have had to be a large school district. Thanks if you can help