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Aw.. How cute!
ok.. something positive about me.. I like to help people, I love to work with the public and I enjoy being here when a friend needs to vent. :)
Can we say something positive about someone else?
Like.. I think Anne is a wonderful person, one whom I consider to be a true friend. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to talk to.:grouphug:
Every one of us needs to tell ourselves something motivating to tackle our anxiety and thoughts which comes inside our brain when we are about to start something very important. To overcome these confusions you simply need to remind yourself that you can do it by telling a few affirmations given below.
I know I can make it happen.
I can deliver my plans and they will definitely understand.
Everyone knows I have got skills.
I can be successful in anything I do.
Nothing can stop me.
I will and I can.
For more check out