Hello!!! I'm posting this on every thread basically as we are trying to learn about all the countries and make a decision based on that. My Husband and I are looking at several different countries for adoption (especially china and vietnam) and are going to EVERY thread to get information about the countries. I have some questions for all of you. 1. How much should we expect to pay in total (general answer.. How much did you pay?)2. How young are the children in Thailand when you receive the referrel and how long until you travel to pick them up?3. What is the ratio Boys vs. Girls?4. General health problems with the children?5. How long does the process take for Thailand?6. What are the age limits?7. We have a biological daughter (will be 17 when we get our child) and they will be sharing a room, is this ok?8. Any other things I sould know about the country?rules or regulations? Thank you in Advance