Just a reminder from the moderating team regarding the closed thread rule. When a thread is closed, regardless for the length of time that it is closed, the topic cannot be recreated in another thread. The time out, if a thread is closed for 24 hours, is in place so members can take a breather from the topic and calm down, as the case may be. If a thread is closed forever, then so is the topic.
Its very important that everyone understand the rules regarding the discussion of closed threads. If someone creates a new thread as an offshoot of a closed thread, they stand the chance of being banned from the forums.
This rule includes cryptic code word discussions of closed topics. If you feel you absolutely need to discuss a topic that is closed, please do so in Private Message or off the forum.
Please, donҒt hesitate to contact a moderator if you have a question.
Just wanted to bump this up again.
Please remember that once a topic has been closed continuing the discussion on a new thread or existing thread is not allowed. If the discussion is moved to an existing thread the existing thread closedօif a new thread is created, that thread will also be closed in both instances ֖ the member could be banned.