[font=Courier New]Just wanted to let everyone know that I sent off my dossier last week and it has arrived in Bulgaria today. My agency there is having it translated and will then submit it to the MOJ.
They asked me to send pictures with it so as to personalize it. So, we will see now if that makes any difference and if/when I will get entered into the database.
Warm regards,
Good Luck! Tree of Life is reporting that they had a referral come in for a client. I am not sure if this is the same agency that waiting222 was talking about or a new one.
Our dossier was submited to the MOJ last Friday (Aug. So it looks like we start the long wait at the time. Lets keep our fingers crossed !
Thank you for sharing! How exciting that we are starting about the same time!!
Hope things pick up as so many are hoping this fall!!
Best Wishes,
Our paper work was signed by the MOJ about a week ago. We had to redue some paperwork, to show it was signed after the MOJ had signed. We will be ready for court when they get back from holiday. T`SDAD
I'm glad we found this forum, only for bulgaria. We are from Germany and therefor adopting with a german agency. What did your agency tell you of the waiting time for the referral ??
PS: sorry for my sometimes bad english (long time not written).
Great for you! Be sure to keep your progress posted. Are you wanting a boy or a girl and what age?
The Bulgarian goal is to have the whole process take 6 months. My agency has said that the timeline will be 6 months, that it could take less or it could take longer to get the referral.
It is rather vague, but at least it gives a "marker" to set one's mind on.
For Bulgarian adoption-only lists, there are also the Bulgarian_Adoption-InformationCenter group on Yahoo groups and the EEAC Bulgaria listserv.
Congradulations and please do keep us posted on your progress!!
Best Wishes,
6 months waiting time is totally different from what agencys in Germany say. We have been told, that a waiting time between 18 to 24 months is realistic. 6 months waiting time used to be here under the old rules.
I wonder why there are so big differences.
Lets just hope the best.
Greetings from Germany
I was told that the time for a referral once you were approved by the MOJ was 6 - 9 months. But that was back when I first started. More recently I heard 14 months, but I'm not sure if that was before the recent slow down due to elections. The US embassy in Sofia said it could be more than 2 years at the current rate. Let's hope it picks up soon.
in Atlanta
When they first started the law changes in 2003 the wait time was supposed to be 6 months (that was the goal of the MOJ). But that has been blown out of the water with the slow down. So what the MOJ originally "officially" said was going to be 6 months is now moving about 12-24 months.
Our agency is One World Adoptions, the family got a referral of a healthy child in July and has gone to see him already and are adopting him. They said he was exactly as the medical reports portrayed by the MOJ (healthy, nothing hidden).
Oh, and the family said they waited right at 12 months for this referral.
So at least seeing some movement out there is giving us all hope!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to follow-up and let everyone know that I was officially entered into the Registry September 30th!