Last Monday, we overnighted our profile to Atlanta for showing to a pbmom. She actually got it Thursday. Today, the agency called to say she picked us!!!!!! AND she's due any day!!!
I can't believe it!! I'm trying to get it together to make sure I have everything ready to go when its time to leave. From the sound of things, she could be having the baby any minute!!
If anyone has any great pointers, particularly for out of state placements, I'd love to hear them.
Hi! Just read your post. Wanted to say congratulations on being picked. These will be exciting days. Read lots of books and get stuff ready for the baby.
Love Anina
WOW.... exciting news! Congrats! We are waiting on a pbmom in Altanta to make her decision. I just heard from the social worker that she had her baby girl last night. :-) Good luck with your special delivery. I'll be thinking about all of you.
Congratulations!!!!! Again if you need any imput on Atlanta and the surrounding area let me know. I am so excited for you!!!