I've been wondering how birth order and artificial twinning will influence my girls behavior. My youngest daughter I've had since birth and she is on target developmentally. My oldest daughter I've had since she was just over a year and is developmentally younger than my youngest. Right now developmental age is a big part of how they relate to each other. They are artificial twins doing everything at the same time. How do you think artificial twinning and adopting out of order effects birth order?
Artificial twinning is a concept that describes the adoption of two children closer than 9-months in age, but not biological twins. There are a number of articles that describe it's effects, and some agencies/countries will not allow parents to adopt two children closer than 9-months in age.
I expect artificial twining is very similar to the birth order tendencies of very close in age biological children. One thing that can happen in any family (but particularly if they are close in age or have specific circumstances) is birth order switching. If the younger child is obviously smarter, stronger (particularly in boys) prettier (in girls), or more dominanent, children can switch birth orders, meaning the younger takes over the first born characteristics and the older the next birth order (not nessisarily youngest if you have other children). This is also true if there are specific development issue with the older child, physically or emotionally. I would suggest Dr. Kevin Leman's Birth Order Book or New Birth Order Book. I've read several books on birth order and his are the best at discribing "exceptions" to the obvious birth order.