I am adoptive mother. I would like to talk to adoptees about thier open adoption.
How do you feel about open adoption?
Were you confused growing up, knowing and seeing your birth family.
Was it easier for you because you could see your birth family?
What age do you feel is the best to tell a child that they are adopted?
Anything else that you could tell me about your open adoption would be great! Anything you would like to share would be greatly appreciated!
Dannee, I am also an amom and around the time I joined this forum I remember posting similiar questions to adoptees. What I recall being told was that most adult adoptees were not in open adoptions growing up because the concept is relatively new. 15-20 years?? Correct me someone (!) I do know of at least one member here who was able to answer my questions as an adult adoptee who was in an open adoption. Even though there weren't many who could also share similiarly, I enjoyed reading the differing perspectives on whether open "would have been" desirable to them. I was also given a lot of great feedback from bmothers and amothers who are experiencing open adoption today and what it means to their children.
Anyway, I just saw your post and had a flashback moment. :)
Brandy grew up in an open adoption (BrandyHagz), you might want to pm her.
Also, Brenda's (bromanchik) son grew up in an open adoption with her. (She is a birthmom, her son is 19 or 20 now, I forget.)
Nicole, I was referring to Brandy but wasn't sure if I should call her out. Thank you. :)