My husband is wanting to adopt my 3 children. The Biological father has not been in contact in over 4 years. My husband and I have been married 2 years. We also have a 2 year old together. We had our first hearing, the biological father showed to contest the adoption. This story is so long, but I'm just going to give the jist of it right now. The judge postponed the hearing for the second time, because he didn't have representation. Now my attorney has told me that the children will have a court appointed attorney. Is this good or bad? The court appointed attorney has not been in contact just yet. Has anyone been through this?
Hi Jaqueline, Sorry I haven't left everyone know what's been happening. We have had 3 funerals in 2 weeks. What a mess. Everything is finalized. What a relief, feels like walking on air. The names have been changed and now we are just waiting for all of the paper work. The kids started school this morning. They're excited to use their new name. lol. I'm excited for you that your adoption went through and is now finalized also. I can't wait to hear about the baby should be soon now. I want to say Thanks to everyone for everything: listening to me vent and helping me through this rough situation. I can only wish the best for everyone else who has to go through the same thing. I will still be lingering in here even though my case is finalized, to try to help anyone else out.Thanks again
Congratulations on the Finalization and the New Names! Sorry for your losses also. Seems like for every good thing that happens its always 5 more things come up that arent so good! I always thought it was just me though! We went to the DR yesterday morning and im STILL dilated to 1 CM! UGH! This pregnacy is taking way to long to get through! LOL! It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt so painful all the time! It will be over soon though! I get a new due date everytime i go and it makes it so stressful cuz we dont really know when the estimated due date even is! I have had three so far the first one was sept 16th, the second one (u/s) was oct 5th, now yesterday he split the two in the middle and says sept 23rd! So ya know anytime from Today and OCT 5th! I don't know why my dr wouldnt do another u/s to make sure it was correct because by my lmp the date would be sept 16th! And for the u/s to say Oct 5th thats a 3 week differance and it looks like theyd make u have another one just to make sure but they really dont care when it comes because its coming either way it goes! I mean i know u never know for sure anyways and its just estimated dates but how do u have three when u know when u had your last period? ARGHH! Anyways so within the next three weeks or so i guess we'll have this little boy out! We'll keep ya posted though! I will be lingering around here as well even though our adoption is finalized as well to help anyone else with their questions and things! I wish everyone good luck also!Thanks for the update losing_hope! Glad to see things are going okay for u!:)
I know the last month of pregnancy is so hard, I think it's more anxiety of wanting to hold the little one, and tiresome of the sore ribs lol. I sent away for the birth certificates, they should be arriving soon. The kids are excited that they got to use their new last name officially. Once the B/C come back I'll have their names changed on their SS cards. That will be the end of it. Can't wait to hear when the little guy arrives. Have you got his name picked already? Keep in touch.
Hey! We finally are going to get to have this baby! We went to the DR yesterday and hes going to induce on SEPT 22nd! YAY! Finally it's gonna be over! I'm so tired of packing this big belly and feeling so urgghhh! So 9 more days from today! We are so excited to see what he looks like and how big he is ect ect! The girls are VERYYY excited to get him out! Im sure its the new baby idea but also the idea of Mommy moving and getting around alot better than the last few mths! Well just wanted to give the update on the little guy! We are still waiting on the papers from the judge that he signed to send in with the B/C and after we get those we'll be on the road with it! Feels good for it all to be over with doesnt it? Well Good Luck to those still in the process and Congrats to those that have gotten through it all! I'll be back with the little guys info after we get home from hospital! Bye for now!:clap: ;)
WOW! So nervous lol! Dont really know why LOL Ive done been through this twice LMAO! Anyways I only got one more FULL day of pregnancy left ! YAY!! I'll be so glad to get to see what he looks like and feel what it feels like to be unpregnant! LOL! I'll be back about Monday probably to give all the Stats on him! Until then wish me luck with this induction!:clap:
HE'S HERE! YAY! He weighed 7 lbs 0oz and 19 3/4 inches long! He was born Friday Sept 22nd at 4:06 pm! He looks just like his daddy!He's got a little hair (brown)!He was the smallest of all my babies!He's so tiny! He's so cute! Im a little late on getting here with the news SORRY! He had jaundice when he was born so we had to stay at the hospital til Monday at 8pm. So we are very tired and wore out! He tries to eat every hour or two at night and I havent gotten much sleep(breatsfeeding is very tiring)! He is free of jaundice now though, he went to the dr today for him test and its completely gone and hes doing well now! He weighed 7lbs 4 1/2 oz today so hes doing great!Anyways the girls are so excited about him being home finally! They are taking it really well, alot better than i thought they would! So, with all that being said WE the Whole Family are doing great! It's late here and i just fed the baby and thought while i had a free by myself moment i'd get on here and give the long awaited update on the little guy! I need to get back to bed so i can get up in an hour or two again to feed LOL! Take care all and I wanted to thank everyone again on here that took the time to read my story and situation as it took place and thanks for all the advice and chatting! I'll be around here often still no matter what, this is the site that got me through the hardest thing in my life and im am very greatful to have experianced this with all of u guys! Thanks! and again GOOD LUCK to all of u going through adoptions and having babies! Hope everything turns out for the best for all of you! Until next time GOOD NIGHT ALL! BYE NOW!:grouphug: :cheer: :clap: :flower: :) :wings: :D