.... tells me how lucky I was to be pregnant and experience pregnancy I swear I will smack them upside the head. Being pregnant was miserable for me and my boyfriend. I carried a thirteen and a half pound child to term who was born with a heart defect and liver and spleen disorder that never were diagnosed as anything definitive. It was not fun being pregnant at a time in our lives when we weren't ready to be parents. It nearly destroyed my relationship with my partner b/c he couldn't stand me. Recovering from a c section, trying to get back on my meds for my mental illness, and trying to make important medical choices for my son while I couldn't be with him, were not fun. I know some women that choose adoption for their children do enjoy pregnancy and my heart is with those women who can't be pregnant and really want to be, I'm just sick of hearing out great pregnancy must have been for me. Just had to get that rant out.