On another board I saw someone ask a question about a manditory 10 day wait vs. the "you could be waiting 30 days" directive that we have had concerns over. Could someone address this? Is there any validity to this rumor?
Blessings and Thanks.
There used to be 10-day waiting period after court, but that was changed several years ago to a 30-day waiting period. It can be waiver or not, totally up to the judge. I would say right now there is about a 60%-70% chance of the waiting period being waived. There are a few regions/cities that NEVER waive the 30 days, others that usually waive it. HOWEVER, you can never be sure the waiting period will be waived. If it is not, you will have to wait 30days after court to take custody of your new child.
The 10 days may be referring to the fact that the NAC has recommended that court be at least 10 days after paperwork is started for the adoption. This is not mandatory, although I have heard that it is being treated that way in some areas. Also, since you now have to receive an additional NAC approval for the adoption that is only given out 1 day a week, the 10 days is usually a moot directive.
Our agency told us today that the courts have reduced the 30 day wait to 10 days, but that it will be upheld in every region now. This new regulation will make the total trip time around 30 days now, but one parent can come home after court if necessary if you sign power of attorney to the other parent.
Hello Everyone-
We just got back Thursday and adopted a 2yr. 8mo. old little girl in good health. There were two court dates. The first one varified information. 10 days later there was a second court date with a jury. The new system took effect September 1st. In court the second time around we had the City Inspector and the Orphanage Director/Dr. with us who spoke on behalf of our daughter. The adoption was granted, however, the 30 day waiting period is no longer able to be waved according to the Judge no matter what region. We will be returning at the end of the month to pick her up.
Congratulations, my heart is with you. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to leave your daughter and come home. May you be blessed with a wonderful life together.
Thank you for the insightful information, it may not be what we all want to hear, but it is very knowledgeable and first hand.