This probably ranks among the top 10 dumb questions, but I need to know how to pronounce the name we have decided to give our daughter.
Juliana - Is it Juli-Ah-Na or Juli-anna or can it be either? We've been pronouncing it as Julia-anna. I know several forum folks have daughters named Ana. Do you pronounce it Ah-na or Anna?
I know I should probably know these things, but considering I have a child named Bobby, I don't have much experience w/names w/several pronounciations.
ana is typically pronounced AH-na. If you want it to be Anna..then you might want to reconsider your spelling and put that extra 'n' in there!
Traditionally the single "n" is pronounced ah-na, but you can do which ever you like best. My daughter's name ends in ana and most of the time she will correct anyone who pronounces it anna.
I'm no expert, but in my opinion, one "n" would suggest Juli -ahna. My daughter's name is Ana and because there is one '"n", it is Ah-na. I am from the deep south however and everyone here says Anna. Drives me crazy!!! (lol) We will learn to deal!:p
I think it is regional difference. For example, in our area TAMARA is pronouced Tah - Mare - Ah however I have heard some pronouce the same name Tam - AH - RA.
I would pronounce Julianna - Julie - anna. I would also pronouce Ana - Anna.
So ;) pronouce it how you want it :)
Yes, there are regional differences, but if you're wondering about the Spanish pronunciation:
"J"s sound like "H"s and "A"s are pronounced "ah". So it's Hu-li-ah-nah (it's hard to write, but I think you get the idea).
Isn't it technically
Huli-ahna ?
I love the name Juliana, by the way (I would pronounce it with an Americanized "J," but would be aware that the foster mother will probably pronounce it another way).
What a lovely problem to be dealing with!
Edited to add: Devora, you and I must have been posting at the same time. Great minds (haha).
If you're talking about a Spanish pronounciation, the J would be pronounced as an H.
If you're talking about the US pronounciation, where I live it would be Julie-Anna, unless I was introduced to her as Julie-Ahna (same way I pronounce Andrea as ANN-dree-ah unless introduced as an-DRAY-ah).