I want to tell all of you know who live in North Carolina about a terrific moview which is coming to town. It is based on a true story of on of NCCAR's birthmother's.
The name of the movie is Loggerheads. You can find out more about it on our website at [url][/url].
You can see a trailer of the movie at the Loggerheads website, and I believe once you see it you will want to come if able.
The movie starts around N.C. on October 21st. You can find out in which theatres on the Loggerhead website at [url][/url]
Check our website and let us know if you would be interested in a free screening ticket for the movie which will be held in Raleigh, please contact NCCAR via email at
We need 5 people who would like to go to the showing on October 19. If interested please contact me.
Yes, this birth mother depicted in this film is a wonderful lady and this is a heart-wrenching story. I am glad I got to meet her yesterday at Reg Day!
I hope everyone in the adoption triad (adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents) come out to see this film. It is sure to touch everyone!!
I've heard that the Post Adoption Social Workers at CHS have already seen it! That's a great start!!!