Hey everyone,
I am a new adoptive mom (my son is almost a year old) and I am wondering how, or if you celebrate the anniversary of the "gotcha day" and the finalization day. I want them to be special to him, since they were so special to us. Are there any special things you guys do, or any ideas you have?
DW's mom
For Hannah we just do a little birthday like party with our immediate family. This year we went to the park and had some cupcakes. I also write her a letter about the year and put it in her hope chest.
Fireworks? like sparklers etc... I am unsure when to celebrate.. Finalization OR Actual came home date.... It has ALMOST been 1 year since she came home.... I'd better get crackin'!
As an adoptee I think it is so important to keep life as "normal" as possible...celebrating the"gotcha" day doesn't sit well with me...everyone else celebrates a birthday, keep it real birthdays are best....