Not that it matters,.....just being nosey. :p
My screen used to be formatted to include advertising but now all the ads are gone and the format of my screen has spread out to take up the dead space. Hey, I'm not complaining especially since I am able to view much more without having to scroll. Now I'm not being curious (it killed that ya know), just simply nosey as it never killed anyone. *hehe*
Casey, I think the navigation trail you're talking about is the last thing to load. I noticed that when I clicked on a link and wasn't sure what thread I'd ended up on.
Sorry, the ToS is still the same ;)
Yup, *poof* they went and *poof* they'll stay :)
So nice to have the forums be all about the forums, eh?
Duuuuude! My display stayed "all smushed" like the ads should be there.... now it's the full width of my screen. Crazy.
But no purple navigation bar for me. Hmm.
I don't have a navigation bar either. Nor do I have the left side navigation bar for chat etc.
Does anyone else have these??
All I have up top is
User Cp, Faq, Members List, New Posts etc.
then a bar that says welcome, you last visited at time, plus my private messages option.
That's it! No forum categories at all.
And no side bar.
Sarah!!! Please tell me this wasn't the intended result!!:)
Me too, Crick. No forum categories.
And my text is squished even smaller in the center of the screen. I checked at the bottom and the width is set at 100%
You're the first to mention the text size Shoshana...hmmmm....
Have you tried adjusting your computer settings etc? Not just on here?
I have forum categories REALLY small at the WAY top, not under the top navigation like they normally are. Took me forever to even find them.
Still no side nav for chat/etc.
Thanks, Jenna - I got out my specs and found it ;)
Crick -- I didn't mean text size -- my text is always small at this site (no others, tho') so I increase it. I mean the boxes that the posts appear in are small. They take up about 1/3 of the screen in the middle with the left and right 1/3's empty. In other words, the ads didn't take up as much room as the now white space on my monitor.
Hey everybody,
We moved the "breadcrumb" (the navigation trail of the links) into the spot where it exists elsewhere on for consistency's sake and to make it so that you don't have to scroll as much in order to get to the post that you're trying to read. We figure it'll probably take a little getting used to, but overall the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
The left side is gone for good, as the only real uses for it were getting to the other stuff in the community section (chat, journals, etc.). You can access all that stuff by mousing over the "community" tab. It'll pop out. Or just click the 'forums' link in the top part of the site.
As far as ads go, we'll still have them, but, yes, they'll be fewer and in spots that make more sense. Also, we're trying to keep the focus on text banners whenever possible as they're less obtrusive for people who aren't interested, and they're a bit more relevant (usually context-targeted) for those that are.
Just so that you know what to expect, we will probably be adding at least one ad to the forum listings on some of the forums, but we haven't quite reached any decisions yet.
I think most people will find the new layout more useful than the old, as you can get more text on the screen, have fewer images downloading, and overall things are a bit simplified. Hopefully pages will load a bit faster for those of you on slower connections as well, as that's one additional benefit that we were hoping to get out of this change.
If anyone's still getting a 'squished' display, try holding down the ctrl key while pressing the f5 key. Most likely you've still got cached data on your browser, and this should clear it out.
It should start from top to bottom with the purple tabs, then "you are here" in what at the moment is quite a small, thin font then the tan bar that has the UserCP etc., a purple bar with "welcome" and a link to private messages and finally the actual thread.
What is missing for you and what type of browser/internet connection are you using?
You'll notice, when you access the forums via a subscribed thread email notification the forums are BLUE when you get there. That isn֒t actually the forums that is another forum, called ֓ which has not been updated/fixed with this current format. There are no NAV bar's on at all!
Unfortunately, all email notifications provide the link for rather than AdoptionForums.comԅso when you click on the link, its actually taking you to rather than redirecting you to, like it used to.
This is a known issue and hopefully it will be resolved ASAP my only suggestion is to access the forums thru your favorites, rather than thru the email notifications URL until this matter is resolved!
Thanks, Brandy!!! I think that was my issue yesterday. Today, however, everything seems fine!! I like it!!! :D