Hi, I was just wondering if any of you currently fostering live in small towns or rural areas? I would like to eventually be a foster parent, but I am not sure there is really a great need in my area. How far from your town did the children placed with you live?
We live in a small town (pop. 600) and the agencies here are county-wide. The kids we have are from a town about 40 miles from us (one of the closest "main" towns around). Our agency is desperate for foster parents. One of the kids we now have was originally placed in another county in a town nearly 60 miles away.
Our kids (4 and 2 years) were placed with us from another county 75 miles away. All of their homes were full, so they go to the next county. We are licensed through a state agency so we can get any kid from anywhere in the state.
Abuse and neglect no no urban boundaries. Being in a rural setting does not mean there is not a need. Your agency is probably county-wide, and if its anything like my rural Ohio county, the numbers are rising at record rates. Contact them to find out more.
Thank you for your replies...I'm learning all I can now, as I am still a couple of years away from being ready to begin.