I was born/adopted in Missouri and the records are closed. I see others asking for 'search angels', what are these? Would there be anyone out there that can help me? This is the only information I have: DOB- October 4, 1968Place- Connelly (spelling?) Hospital, KCMO, Jackson County Oh, and i am a girl! I was told my mother is Italian. Also, 'Little Italy' was referenced to her area of residence. Anyone in KC will probably know what that means. If anyone can help or give me an insight to the steps I need to take, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much.
Non-identifying information is information provided to you -- in your case, by the state -- that will include all the information contained in your file that is non-identifying. For instance, it usually tells you what day you were born, where, what time, how much you weighed, how long you were, the age your birthmother was and what state she was from. It may, in some cases, contain other snippets of information, education, occupation, and physical descriptions of your birthmother and father.
How to request that, and other information is listed below....
Hope some of this is helpful!! ;)
NOTICE: Missouri is a Confidential IntermediaryӔ state. See Requesting Identifying InformationӔ below:
Requesting Identifying Information: An adopted adult can request information regarding the birth parents and the agency will contact the birth parents for consent to release the information. If the adoption was finalized prior to August 13, 1986, the adoptive parents must be notified first, and a search will only be conducted if the adoptive parents agree. If the adoptive parents do not consent, no information will be released and the birth parents will not be contacted.
Contact this office for questions about adoption related information and records:
Missouri Department of Social Services
Division of Family Services
PO Box 88
Jefferson City, MO 65103
(573) 751-0311
Fax: (573) 526-3971
Requesting Non-Identifying Information: Adoptive parents and adopted adults may obtain non-identifying information. Contact the adoption agency that facilitated the adoption, the court that finalized the adoption or the office above in Jefferson City, MO.
Using the State of Missouri Adoption Registry: Adopted adults age 21 or older and birth parents may register. Adoptive parents must consent to the release of identifying information on adoptions completed prior to August 13, 1986.
Missouri Division of Family Services
Adoption Information Registry
P.O. Box 88
Jefferson City, MO 65103
(800) 554-2222
Please mark the letter "Confidential."
Requesting an Original Birth Certificate: An adoptee must petition the court in which the adoption was finalized to receive.
The Missouri Birth List/Index gives the first and last names of everyone born in all the Counties of Missouri on a particular day. The adopted name will be on this list but not the birth name. Send your request and a check for $27.50 to:
Bureau of Health Data Analysis
Missouri dept of Health and Senior Services
PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
Attn: Sheila Murphy
I have read alot of post where one member of the triad does not understand this "Non ID Info" maybe a better phrase would be "descriptions of bio family" or "just the facts". Sometime, if you are luckly, they will accidently include a name. If they send you copies of complete forms with blacked out info, you can try putting that form on a light table and sometimes you can read through the blacked out portions.
"descriptions of bio family"
I also wanted to mention that I, personally, took advantage of the confidential intermediary program in my state, in 2002. Of course I wasn't required to "get a note from my parents" :rolleyes: to do so, but that's beside the point. ;)
I have no idea what the costs associated with this are, in your state, but for me, in 2002, it was just shy of $400.....which is significantly less than the cost of commercial searchers or PI's. A little more than half of it was paid to the intermediary for her work, and the rest were court costs and filing fees.
The CI programs have very high success rates and sometimes, it's the only way to go when you have little information to work with!
I have not heard of any states charging for non-identifying information -- other than maybe a nominal $10 "handling" fee. I agree with the other poster...I think you are confusing the two types of information you can ask for. Asking for non-identifying only gives "facts" without attaching anything that could possibly identify your birthfamily.....and identifying information only comes to you, in your state, thru the confidential intermediary program, provided both your a-parents and you b-parents consent -- and of course, you pay the fee.
A point that must be made here about the CI Program.......if you get your a-parent's consent, and you pay the fee, and the CI does your search, makes contact with your birthmom, and she denies contact, you get NOTHING -- and that includes a refund. You get absolutely no more information that you had going into it, and you are out the money you paid.
According to the resources I pasted above, however, you should be able to contact the office in Jefferson City and get your non-identifying information with no problem and very little, if any, cost. Like I said....I think I might have paid a $10 handling fee, but that was it.
Keep us posted, okay??
For those who have experience with the CI Program in Missouri, I have a question.....
What happens if your a-parents are deceased? If consent from the a-parents is required to be able to participate, what happens when you can't GET that consent because they are no longer living? :confused: Are you just hosed, completely, or do they move forward without that consent???
Just curious!
If adoptive parents are deceased, copy of death cert is required. If one birth parent is receptive to contact, not the other, then the willing party can be referred to ISRR, or as in my case, if both birth parents are deceased, and if there is someone who did know of the pregnancy, that person may be referred to ISRR by the CI, for the match, and for the reunion. Fortunately for me my birth mother's twin sister who had seen me after birth at the maternity home, was listed in my non-id as having known of the pregnancy, my CI was allowed to speak with her, and we met through ISRR !!! Ellen
Also, I have found that , in the event the birth mother is not receptive to contact , often there is non-id info that she is able to pass along to the adoptee, such as updated medical info, number of siblings etc. just not allowed to disclose anything identifying, so I would not agree with the statement that if the mother refuses contact, that the adoptee " gets nothing. " Ellen
I sent in for non-id for a friend. If wanted other info, I just needed to send in an obituary, death certificate, or if I didnt have any of that I could get a copy off internet from Social Security site of their death. They were very easy to work with. Havent done any of it, still searching on own because of the money needed.