when someone has a poll, for instance "were you happy with your guat adoption experience" you cannot see the results of the poll unless you vote. but if you have not adopted from guat but are only in the beginning stages, and cannot cast a truthful vote but want to see the results you can't. i don't know if i am making myself clear. is there a way to view the results of the poll without voting?
I just went to the Russian poll, and at the bottom on the left was the vote now button but on the right was see poll results link.
Not sure if that's because I have Mod status or not... I'll check with Brandy to see what's up.
Andy is right, you *should* be able to see the poll results by clicking on the bottom right corner words that say View Poll ResultsӔ.
What you see under there depends on how the poll was set up. FHs have the ability to choose to make the poll voters publicly known (you can click the number and see who voted for that choice) or keep it private (the number wonҒt be a hyperlink).