I am searching for my father's biological family. **(While you're reading this- and it sounds like you or your family- please write- ) He was born May 9, 1955 in Highland Park, Michigan. I have only received non-identifying information. Here is the info: My father was born and taken from the hospital (I believe by his birthmother- for a night or so) because it says that he was taken to Visitation Church and baptized on May 17, 1955- (which was also the same date that he was admitted to the social catholic services and placed in foster care (until an adoption was set up). . So I am not sure if his birthmother lived in that town or not. His birthmother was born in 1928, in Pennsylvania. She was described as 5'2 and 130 lbs, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was of italian descent (and her parents were from Italy- it appears they moved to PA and then maybe to Ohio). It says that my father's birthmother was employed at a creamery as a comptometer operator. She was single with two children- therefore my father would have a half sister who was born in Michigan in 1952, and a half brother born in Michigan in 1953. My father was a product of an affair with a married man who was 38 years of age at the time (1955)- the birthfather was born in MI and was a toolmaker in automotive firms. He had a 16year old son form a previous marriage and two children with his current wife. Therefore, my father would have a half sister who would be about 56 years old (she would have been born around 1949- since she was 6 years old in 1955). (at the time that this info was collected it said that she had blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin. There was also a half brother who was 5 (so born around 1950) He would be 55- he had light brown hair and blue eyes. The info also showed that my father's birthmother had two siblings of her own. She had a brother who knew about my father who was 19 years old in 1955 (so he would be about 69 years old now) He was born in Ohio and lived with his parents. he was described as 5'9 medium build. He had dark hair and brown eyes- he also worked at a creamery. She had a sister who was 30 at the time (so she would be about 80 years old now). She was born in PA, she was 5'5 and wieghed 150 lbs she had dark hair and brown eyes. she was not married and had no children at the time this info was recorded in (1955). She was not aware of my father. I am searching for ANY information on the biological families of my father. I am not sure if his mother gave him this name or not but his adoption papers have the name Micheal Joseph Maddaline.At the very least I would like health information. If any of this info sounds remotely close to you or anyone you know (as not many members of the birth family were aware of my father/adoption). please contact me at or 757-553-4049.Thank you so much!